Monday 18 January 2016

Poetry Blog No 116 Phoenix Fable


Symbols can resonate with us on a level deeper than a single concept- 
this is because they can speak to the imagination and to deeper perceptions 
and feelings. However, as they become well-known they slip into our grab bag 
of verbal clichés and into trivial graphic representations, even trademarks and 
our reaction becomes entirely superficial. This poem is an attempt to bring one
 such symbol, the phoenix, back into our imaginative sense.


It is the last of days.

Riding on the wind's last ways,
Beating its gold-burning wings,
Like a sun in day's descent,
The burnished bird of day returns,
With wisdom's gathered age and ebbing life.

It forms the nest for fire,
And shapes one golden egg.
And with first stir of dawn
The fragrant sticks ignite
Consuming flesh and feather
In blaze of burning light.

But in the ashes of the night
There shines the shimmering, gold-solar egg.
It cracks- and with a dazzling radiance
The vanished phoenix soars to sight,
The same, the Self, transformed
Eternal in its re-beginning,
Reborn into the truth,
Forever newly-winged with youth,
It rides into the endless sky,
It flies upon the winds' fresh ways.

It is the first of days.

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