Friday 30 December 2016

Poetry Blog No 172 Yellow Moon


         Besides being a legitimate medium for the expression of purely personal emotion, I believe poetry can play an important role in our perception of our own humanity. Between the vision of the human being as merely an economic entity in the purely materialistic endeavour of modern capitalism (that seems nowadays to consist largely in making rich people richer at the expense of everyone else) and the biological objectivism of modern science that seeks to reduce the human to a bio-mechanical set of chemical processes lies the actual experience of living. 

        This is not to claim that material science and economics do not have useful roles to play in human affairs, it is merely to note that they have little to say about the actual experience of being a human being. It is this, I believe, where poetry is useful for speaking of the experience of being human. For instance, the human experience of colour and vision is not actually captured by speaking about the biological mechanisms or the physical electromagnetic “vibrations” that are spoken of by a science obsessed with the quantitative. Nor is aided by discussions on design to make products appealing to the “consumer”. For if we never contemplate our actual basic experiences and possibilities, I believe, we run the risk of forgetting our own humanity.

                 YELLOW MOON

Half-lidded eye of slumber,

Far-spying on the dream,

Late, silence-riding world,

The yellow-rising moon

Now silhouettes a single,

Broad, distant skyline tree.

What beauty's stolen by the eye:

What artistry of wide creation

Our casual vision takes for free.

What brush could brave

This scene's perfection?

This subtle luminosity?

Mysterious and deep is sleep...

But ah!

What miracle it is

To see.