Friday 24 April 2015

Mark Scrivener Poetry Blog No 21 A Flock of Swifts


Birds in far flight can evoke a strong feeling in the heart and imagination. To quote Goethe's Faust (translation ©Mark Scrivener):

Ah! for the spirit's wings have grown so light,
That we've no bodied wing that so behaves.
For still in each one born there's traces
Of feelings lifting upward, up and on.
When he hears, vanishing in far, blue spaces,
The trilling tremble of a skylark's song,
When over steep, spruce-covered height,
Outspread, the eagles hover round.
When over flats and seas, in flight,
The crane strives onward, homeward bound.

This swift breeds in Asia and South Siberia and migrates south to Australia and other southern places during the northern winter. It spends much of its life on the wing, never willingly alighting on the ground and flies very fast and very high. To quote from Wikipedia: The white-throated needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus), also known as needle-tailed swift or spine-tailed swift, is a large swift. It is the fastest-flying bird in flapping flight, with confirmed speeds reaching 111.6b km/h (69.3 mph). It is commonly reputed to reach velocities of up to 170 km/h (105mph), though this has not been verified.


A flock of spine-tailed swifts

swarms and drifts,

distant black wings on the blue,

                         pre-dusk, summer sky.

They glide. They rise so high;

Compatriots of sky.

They roam the boundless realm:

the free, ethereal

empires of air. 


voyagers of vastness,

they travel through the far

kingdoms of the winds,

countries of the clouds.

With such a seeming ease,

they soar and sweep,

they wheel and fly.

they skim the sky.

Above the earth’s

set, heavy world,

they live the light,

far in our sight;

they ride world breath-

no passports stamped for them

when they departed from

steep cliffs of China and

far north coasts of Japan.

With wings on wind, they span

the weather’s current world;

they range the airy streams,

the rivers of the heavens…

like thought's far vision,

swift, spirit seeing,

aware of world's vastness, aware

of boundlessness of being.

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