Saturday 11 April 2015

Mark Scrivener Poetry Blog No. 10 The Flowering


Cactus flowers are often remarkably fine and delicate compared to the rest of the plant. This poem was inspired by seeing a particularly beautiful example of this in a plant that my brother owned. Note- I am using the Australian and British spelling of centre. "Their harsh world" refers to their original desert-like habitat. 


From a bulbous, dark-green cactus,

spiked in squat solidity,

three, fine flowers, sudden-full,

burst forth like festivity.

As beautiful as any

blossoms of this world,

with rings of peaked and fragile

petals, all unfurled,

that pass,

so imperceptibly,

from sheen of centre white

into a blush of light,

pale-glowing pink,

and vibrate in

the soft, south breeze

that brushes on the skin like silk;

they seem apart, hardly a part

of this stout citizen of desert heat;

light-born, ethereal as dawn,

unlike the hard and water-hoarding

body of the plant;

and yet

the seeming dull can bring

such shining to its birth;

to live the ideal needs

to spread its roots in earth.

In their harsh world the flowers last one day.

They grace the light, with night they pass away.

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