Tuesday 16 August 2016

Fossicking Poetry Blog No 165


calcite rose

This poem is a small celebration of the wonders of stones and minerals. It refers to some pottering around in a basalt quarry- rocks that are remains of the erosion of a large volcanic area or caldera in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. When the volcano finished it's eruptions about 20 million years ago, it had risen to a height of over 2 kilometres, and layers of lava and ash had been deposited over its outward slopes, to a diameter of about 100 kilometres. http://www.bigvolcano.com.au/natural/wollum.htm


A couple of terms that may be unfamiliar to some-
FOSSICKING- Australia and NZ - searching for gold
or precious stones in abandoned workings, rivers, etc.
To rummage or search for (something)
POTHOLE A hole or pit, especially one in a road surface. 

red jasper

volcanic glass (obsidian)


Here's a hole in green hill's flow:
Bare, official gulf in grass,
Where they've blown up earth and dug;
Crushing rocks to heaps of rubble,
Dusty piles of small, grey stones-
Spread as gravel to resurface
Long and pot-holed, country roads.

Here's a patch for plundering,
Searching Vulcan's ancient store,
Fossicking for fragments forged
In the far past fires of the earth,
In his long-since vanished furnace.

Just for pleasure in the seeking,
Peering all around the place,
We go searching for earth beauty,
Buried far from sight and light.

Just for seeking as a pleasure,
We go smashing bits from boulders
In the massive mounds of tumbled rocks,
Finding what deposited and formed
In the fissures of the basalt.

And hidden, they are here:
Bright tiny treasurings-
A calcite rose: a fadeless flower
With centuries in petals; a great
Smooth egg of dark volcanic glass,
So hard and sheer, so sharp if shattered.

And scattered here and there, there lie
Red shards of tough, sleek jasper;
Or shimmering, light fragments
Of bubbled, waxy-white chalcedony;

Or best, a hollow of clear calcite crystal,
Once buried far from light, in stony starkness,
Now finding day to glitter with its shining peaks-

As if some distant star-gleam leaked
The forms of pure light into the solid darkness.

calcite crystals

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