Friday 22 April 2016

Blog No 151 Three Summer Poems (reflections on climate change)

  THREE SUMMER POEMS (reflections on climate change)

These three pieces were written through the summer- first just before it started, then in midsummer and lastly towards the end. They incorporated some reflections and feelings about climate change- something that I believe may turn out to be the greatest challenge we all face in the near future and about which, in my opinion, we are still doing too little, too late.


late November Georgica

These are last days of spring
but summer's now-
from blue-white sky
unceasing heat pours down,
surrounding all the grass and trees,
still green by ground of recent rain,
now feeling solar power.

So summer time will stretch the hours
that reach towards forty by degrees
and now the shade beneath the small
red cedar trees seems dark
and other trees hide wallabies
in stillness and in shadow.

And all the brightness narrows eyes;
and all the world seems bleached with light.

Some know we have to grow, decrying
all limits of reality...
but I have heard this day
of heated forests, world-wide, dying.

A southern wind arises now
sways tall gum trees, makes many leaves
endow air flow with rustling sound.

Its coolness promises a passing
of such vast heat for some relief
and I am glad to wait for change
predicted so
as weather-wise belief.

Yet in my heart there shines no gladness
in looking towards a world to be
warmed by waste gas beyond its order-

and I'm not glad to wait for change
to that new world grown wild and strange.


Midsummer Georgica NSW

End of hot day. Fierce sun has vanished now.
Yet still bright twilight lights west-lying cloud-
Forms spreading yellow-greying in pale vastness.
Are they the heralds of new rain in darkness?

A final butterfly of day flits by,
Above the seed-tipped grasses, summer-high.
Black crows flap towards the heights of night-safe trees,
Soft-rustling topmost leaves in slightest breeze.

Now eastern hills are briefly tinged with gold-
The Midas touch of day's last-passing role.
Above them crescent moon is growing bright
In sky that's fading towards the rise of night.

The heat is falling and the world's inclined
To pass into the shadow side of time
Where stars will show the darker, cooling hours,
Bring some retreat from blaze of solar power.

And in the cooling darkening of sight,
I ponder in the passing to the night
How storms and rains have saved the summer here
From drought's despair and greater fire-fear.

How long will fortune's blessing last? How long?
I hear of terror, fire-born, beyond
The scant horizon of my turning days-
Devouring, roaring flames, the deadly blaze.

I hear of fiercer storms with fury from
The trapping of the energy from sun;
As change, without a harbour or a haven,
Becomes our sadness like a war from heaven.


Georgica, NSW Late February

The summer's ending yet bright day
burns with late-season heat.
The sky is gathering some western cloud
foretelling storm at night, perhaps.

The day is hot yet when gold sun
rose through white mist that drifted up
from lying on the hills,
while dew drops on the grass
were bright as stars...

I felt a trace of chill, a touch
reminding me of autumn yet to come
and winter following.

The summer's ending now
and yet it must be so,
as seasons cycle and we walk the track,
the track of time as change must come.

Yet in the circle of the seasons
are rhythms that repeat and give
a sureness to the months and years-
the small red cedar trees
are full and fine with leaves
but by the winter light
their green will all be shed
so buds of spring can bring new finery.

Yet with our sad and silly dream that we
have conquered and control the world
with industries and cities like
infection ever-spreading on the face of earth,
we push the cycle out of shape.

The summer of our pride is ending...
and this I fear- how we shall pay for this.

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