Friday 4 March 2016

Poetry Blog No 131 Galaxy- a modest ode on life, the universe and everything



The planetarium referred to in the first verse existed in the now defunct Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences or The Technological Museum. It has been replaced by the Powerhouse Museum. In my teens it was a place of science and mystery - a little cramped with a bit of a Ray Bradbury atmosphere. It featured things like a transparent woman whose different organs and systems lit up as she rotated to a Boccherini Minuet (String Quintet in E Major, Op. 13) and a computer that played Noughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac- Toe). It developed a fault enabling you to beat it but when you did it changed the board and claimed it had won (a foretaste of things to come ?). It was also where I witnessed colour television for the first time. But my favourite thing was the planetarium where dusk sank behind the black cardboard skyline of Sydney and the operator would point to stars and planets as they moved across the dome using his little arrow torch.

Carina Nebula

Notes- Three hundred thousand million stars- an estimate as no one is sure of the exact figure but using various methods astronomers seem to agree that it is at least one hundred thousand million (one hundred billion in American billions) and probably higher. Mind-bogglingly there are a similar number of galaxies in the known universe.

The cluster with the myriad of stars I have seem is the globular cluster in Centaurus (Omega Centauri (NGC 5139 ) through a Newtonian reflector telescope with an 8 inch mirror. The five hundred thousand miles an hour and the two hundred millions years are rounded out a bit. Here is a more exact entry from Wikipedia.

The galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, is the duration of time required for the Solar System to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Estimates of the length of one orbit range from 225 to 250 million terrestrial years. The Solar System is traveling at an average speed of 828,000 km/h (230 km/s) or 514,000 mph (143 mi/s) within its trajectory around the galactic center, a speed at which an object could circumnavigate the Earth's equator in 2 minutes and 54 seconds; that speed corresponds to approximately one 1300th of the speed of light.

 A mosaic of 50 separate images of the galactic center taken by astrophotographer Robert Gendler.


The artificial light has faded from

The cardboard skyline. Now pale points of light

Are dimpling the dark-domed planetarium.

We sit within a semblance of the night.

Our stellar host elucidates and wields

A cosmic arrow on the turning sky

And shows the hazy band that spans star fields.

Quite casually the numbers pass us by:

Three hundred thousand million stars. And each

A sun. Is this beyond all feeling's reach?

And I remember frost-clear nights when darkness

Was palpable upon wide upper spaces.

And there, upon the real, star-dotted vastness,

I saw the galaxy's white, milky traces

Arched overhead from earth rim to earth rim.

And gazing upwards in receptive quiet,

It seemed quite possible to gain a dim,

Grand apprehension of the depth of night.

But some perception of this arcane glory

Depends, perhaps, on how you spin the story.

For it's not hard to find a facile phrase

On "distances beyond imagination".

And it's not hard to talk in expert ways

Of light-years and of galaxies' creation.

Soon clichés drown a living comprehension

And dull immediate, informing sight;

Until you steer a telescope's attention

Upon the milky way's sky-spanning light;

Resolving it to far suns, each a spark,

Like gleaming sand grains, scattered on the dark,

And see the vast and glowing clouds of gas

And clusters with such myriad of stars

Each centre merges to a misty mass;

And know these things are not just some ideas

But of our cosmos, real as all on earth,

As real as stones and trees, as clouds and flowers...

More real by far than fame and honour's worth,

And schemings of the wrongly-named "World Powers".

What power is power compared to all of these

Worlds without end on space and time's vast seas?

Worlds without end: how shall we feel this speaking?

We dwarfs who measure time by hours and days?

How can we sense our sun's great helix sweeping

On through those time-deep, wonder-filled star ways?

How at five hundred thousand miles an hour

To circle this, our single galaxy,

Will take two hundred million years. O how

Shall we touch truth of such immensity?

Great empires are but some minutes here,

Within the passing of this cosmic year.

Men dream mad dreams of power, war and kill

For rule so brief on one small globe, believing

That this imparts some majesty to will,

When all that's ever left is waste and grieving.

And even murder for some mere conception,

When it is manifest in all the height

That there is much beyond earth-small perception,

The limits of our Lilliputian sight.

Beyond earth's edge goes the world far beyond the far;

No human craft can touch a single star.

And so, when daylight's done and there outside

The night releases vision of the vastness,

And shows the pale an stellar stream stretched wide,

The pathway of the worlds across the darkness-

Then called to heart is sure belief that being

Has depths beyond our deepest, searching thought,

Has heights beyond our farthest, sharpest seeing,

And this, at least, is heart truth of one sort.

Three hundred thousand million stars; and each

A sun- it's not beyond all feeling's reach.

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